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A Charlton Heston Bonfire!!!

Charleton Heston Peer Gynt

“Save me, Sizzlechest!” Chuck’s taste in women in 1941.

Before he fought damned dirty apes (Planet Of The Apes (1968)), Egyptian slave masters (The Ten Commandments), albino zombies (The Omega Man) and a leftist millionaire slug (Bowling for Columbine), Charlton Heston resisted rubber-faced trolls way back in his high school days. All this went down in a 1941, no budget silent film adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s play Peer Gynt. Though it’s the kind of flick that Mystery Science Theater would’ve had a field day with, there is one scene that’s pretty good when you consider that it was made by a bunch of high schoolers. So the Brophisticate presents to you that scene re-edited with a more modern score to help ya swallow it!


…and then in 1971.

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