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Goldeneye is coming to XBLA! (sorta)

Cover for Goldeneye which doesn't have a whole lot to do with this story. Ha Ha! Jokes on you!

If you are anything like us you spent the better part of your college days getting high and running through the complex shooting your buddies in Goldeneye in between classes and holding up coeds for keg stands.  Also, your slightly more responsible adult form has probably written about a million letters (between diaper changes and late night self gratification) begging Rare to release Goldeneye on Xbox.

Who hasn’t?

Unfortunately the publishing rights for Goldeneye were stored safely inside Jay Leno’s funny joke book never to be seen (or heard from) again.  However, Perfect Dark is coming to Xbox Live Arcade and it WILL feature some of the same weapons and maps that were in the original Goldeneye!

Why did we post a picture of Goldeneye in this feature?  We don’t know!  Everyone else is doing it so why can’t we?

Who doesn't want to see this riveting gameplay on our new consoles.

Who doesn't want to see this riveting gameplay on next gen consoles?

Forget that this is just a tired old rehash of a tired old rehash with absolutely nothing new added.  You see, the weapons & maps were all in the original Perfect Dark!  Yes, you get nothing else besides updated graphics and the chance to pay for it again.  Where do we sign up?

If you simply must know more, click here to get your info straight from the source.

Perfect Dark is set to release March 17, 2010 for Xbox Live Arcade.