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All posts by Alli Powers

  • I’m Still Here (Movie Review)

    If you saw The Crying Game more than a week after it came out, you didn’t really get to see it. After word spread about...

  • Winnebago Man (Movie Review)

    “You had a bad day/You’re taking one down/You sing a sad song just to turn it around…” Make that A REALLY FUCKING SHITTY, COCKSUCKING DAY,...

  • The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virgina (Movie Review)

    Redneck Jackass on ‘Roids… Meets COPS! Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? How ’bout make a movie! Imagine the family from The Devil’s Rejects. ...

  • Best Worst Movie (Review)

    Some things really are just so bad they’re good:  Members Only jackets, Justin Bieber’s hair, Renaissance festivals and Troll 2. Troll 2 is the subject...

  • A-Team Gets an A+!!

    Ah, the 80s! One of the last decades to showcase originality. And, unfortunately, also being the first decade to unapologetically rehash old content for mass-market appeal. Perfect...