No, you can't beat up any of these women. It's not because you're not a man. They're just badass is all.
Broham Nation brings you this week’s sexiest comics covers! Not a ton of girly covers this week, but the few that came out are lookin’ good! Here are three of the best.
“We are joined here to mourn the passing of our dear Nancy, who was hot. It is a rare thing to be given the hotness that Nancy was blessed with, and that hotness made her paranoid. Nancy often came to me in times of need, claiming that many of you less-hot women in the congregation were plotting to kill her out of jealousy. It appears you have succeeded. I am worried for your souls. Not because of your certain eternal damnation, but because Nancy is being buried with her chainsaw, AND SHE IS GONNA MESS YOU UP WHEN SHE SEES YOU. Let us pray.”
In Bill Willingham’s “Fables” series, Cinderella is a secret agent willing to do anything, ANYTHING, to protect Fabletown, where hundreds of mythical people and creatures live in New York amongst the rest of us Mundys. This paperback collection of Cindy’s first solo series sees her kicking ass, selling shoes, and generally not giving guys like us the time of day. Unless, you know, you’re endangering Fabletown and the only way she can catch you legally is to seduce you, at which point you are so in there, and so screwed.
Jokes that didn’t make the cut:
1) something about tugging on those wings
2) something about who gets to be on top
3) something about “flying is even better than tree climbing for looking in places you shouldn’t”
Yeah, we got nothing. Hot cover, though.
If you are interested in any of these, hit up your local comic shop and show some love!