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Flower Child and the Hamburg Decision


So after eating and smoking my way through the first day, I decided to shake it up a little bit!  How about a little  “horti-CULTURE”…that’s culture still..right?  Off to the tulip fields!  I found a ticket booth down the canal from my hotel and forked out the dough!  I got an early 9:45 tomorrow bus tour to the tulip fields in Keukenhof.  Also, I decided that now was the time for the canal tour.  I could hop off the tour bus onto a canal boat and cruise the canals in search of a decent photo shot.  I went back to the twin bed that I called my own the night before and needed a nap.


Around 11:pm when I awoke, I had to send a few texts back across so people would know that I am still alive.  I also had a text from the former “Misses”, and I began to read about her upset emotional state because of something I had done.  I don’t know why I do it, but I do…every single time.  Give in….oh well.  Guess that means I need to take a quick 10 minute walk to get a cup of “coffee” and relax.  Happy Feelings?  Sure!  Why not?!?  I dragged myself out for a few hours and grabbed a falafel on the way back for some not-so-badly needed nourishment.


When I finally got back to the hotel, I crashed. Hard.  Apparently, my friend Glenda, was right about the Diesel.  However, I did not heed his warning of “Be Careful.”  I will say this, I don’t remember laying down and going to bed….which isn’t always a bad thing.


As I woke up and started to get ready, I checked my email and the weather. 70% rain…just, great.  Exactly what I needed, wet clothes and flowers. Oh well, no need to back out now, just enjoy the fact that you are in another country, with no schedule, and nowhere else to be other than at Central Station in an hour an half. Grabbed some quick breakfast and off I went to look at some flowers, dammit! (But not before I stop to get some “coffee”). After taking the very leisurely stroll, I made it to the tour bus and off we rolled to be amazed. I would go into how awesome the flowers were, or amazing how brightly colored they are…..but, nah. Just look at the pictures. One of the coolest things that had happened while trying to take cover from the rain, and stumbled upon the Vincent Van Gogh exhibit, oh and was a little band playing Neil Diamond in the video below. Little tidbit for you is that they don’t keep the flowers. As soon as they bloom in the fields, they cut them off. Apparently there is some bioenergy transition that allows the plant to focus on the strength of the bulb and not the color of the flower. Interesting, it is, young Jedi….spend more time on it, we won’t. It was time for me to find where I needed to eat. That, folks, was a 5 1/2 hour trip.


So, after I mowed down yet another sandwich, assortment of chocolate, baked goods, and water, I thought that it be a good time for a nap. It was 6:00 after all. Unfortunately, I had to prioritize… nap, or figure out where I was going to on the following day? The decision needed to be made. It was going to take some careful planning.


Without further adieu, I ripped a piece of paper into 3 equal pieces.  I then wrote a direction E, W, S.  Since I was pretty much as far north I could be, I chose to leave N, out of the decision.  Crumble them up, throw them against the wall!  The closest one to me wins and it is…..(drum roll for your imagination…..)  I feel like Charlie looking for the last golden ticket, after all I do love me some chocolate. “E”….looks like I am headed to Hamburg. Decision made. Aaaaaand… naptime.


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