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Girl Scouts, You Just Been Served!

If you’re like us and often wonder why the Girl Scouts don’t sell their cookies year round, guess what? You don’t have to wait any longer for your thin mints. The new Moon Pie Crunch Mint debuted this past February, to great success. And guess what else? They’re BIGGER than thin mints! So, next time you have the munchies, don’t you DARE wait for someone in the office to guilt you into a box of Girl Scout cookies! Just grab a box of these bad boys and toss ’em in the freezer… they’re freakin’ delicious! Now, if Heidi Klum would just deliver our box in one of those uniforms, we’d be set.

Okay, so this was the only video we could find talking about this new delicacy’s quiet phenomenon. Our favorite is this woman who gets mad that she only gets one cookie, then claims she’s been watching this news channel for 50 years. We don’t know what’s funnier, the fact that she doesn’t have fifty years on her or the fact that they left it in the edit! What’s more, they claim everybody lined up for free cookies but only three people ate them. And where were they? At a Sam’s Club? Is that the best place? Seems like even a busy parking lot would be better. Anyway, we swear they’re actually good, people.

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