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Just in Case Your Stewardess Is Ugly…

Richard Branson as Stewardess

Opening animation sequence, featuring a carica...

Somebody say, “Hey, we want some Pudding!”

You know how when you’re getting on the plane and you’re greeted by a hot flight attendant with a great smile who looks you in the eye and says, “Welcome aboard?” Makes you feel great, right? Like the extra 50 bucks per suitcase was worth it. This experience should be plentiful because, with the tough economy, even hot ladies need a good-paying job with benefits. Besides, what girl doesn’t like to travel? But that’s the problem, every girl likes to travel. So, once in awhile you’re gonna get Old Horseface who only lets you turn on your ‘electronic device’ for two minutes. No one wants to see that, and apparently no one wants to see Ed O’Neil on a plane either, which is why Air New Zealand created this animated short of him with one of the babes from 2 1/2 Men. Wish they’d integrated the live footage of her, then it would be like Picture Pages: Bikini Edition. Next time…

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