The shock of losing a treasure such as Robin Williams is almost unbearable.
We’ve known him as the unusually animated, perpetually hyper, over-the-top comedian for over 40 years, but Robin Williams shows us a softer, more subdued side in this rare, uncut interview while in Australia in 2010. It’s in this light we at the Brophisticate remember the actor and comedian who truly made us laugh, made us cry and became a part of us.

Robin Williams’ star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame was decorated by his adoring public early this morning.
Memorable Tweets from Hollywood on Robin Williams:
The family of Christopher Reeve on the death of Robin Williams: ‘After our father’s accident, Robin’s visit to his hospital room was the first time that Dad truly laughed. Dad later said, “My old friend had helped me know that somehow I was going to be okay.” Robin and his incredible family stayed by our side for the rest of Dad’s life, and long after that as well.’ – ChristopherReeve.org
Actor Tom Hanks tweets ‘Let’s remember the fiery genius, the long, long strings of laughter, the awe at the energy and the performances that lit up the room, the screen, the world. Let’s remember Robin Williams’ – @
US Secretary of State John Kerry says of Robin Williams ‘He was an absolute genius, with an extraordinary zest for his profession. It’s safe to say that there was more going on in him in one minute than most people in a week’ – statement