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Rome Sweet Rome Fan Made Trailer [Video]

Call it the Great American Success Story. Subscribers of Wired magazine were made privy a month or two ago to a fantastic true story. A young gent going by Prufrock451 answered a question proposed on so eloquently that he became a millionaire

Reddit Sticker

Just a coupla years ago, was the shizznit. Then they got a new CEO.

on his lunch break. Okay, so that’s a mild exaggeration. But, basically, this dude, James Erwin, wrote a captivating 300-word answer to  a variant of the question “What would happen if a U.S. Army battalion fought the legendary Roman army?” It blew up on Reddit, getting hundreds of thousands of hits. People encouraged him to keep writing, so he did. Followers on Reddit dubbed the story Rome Sweet Rome, which still has it’s own SubReddit category on the popular content-aggregating website. By the end of the day, he’d written several chapters and was contacted by an agent in LA.

Before you begin think you too could become a millionaire screenwriter, first know that Erwin is a 2-time Jeopardy winner and veteran who wrote an entire encyclopedia of military history, and is therefore amazingly over-qualified to write about topics such as these. Until the impending film is released, we have this fan to thank for what we can expect. Consider Broham’s ass on pins and needles…

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