In the history of early recorded music, one label stands out as a kind of unlikely blessing. A recording studio in the unassuming town of...
Musicologist Dave Robinson has us over and down in his basement of treasures to talk jazz recordings, history, bottlecaps, woodpeckers and piano rolls!
The walls do speak- and sometimes wail- of which musicologist and tour guide Phil Pospychala can hear them. So on this episode of In the...
In the lead up to the world being plunged into a second world war, the Japanese invaded China and subjected the country to a living...
78 RPM quests, Bix Beiderbecke’s mystery trail, Joe Bussard’s basement Mecca, digitizing history and making-me-blush blues songs. It’s all brought here by this week’s guest...
The final in the series of interviews conducted at the 2016 International Association of Jazz Record Collectors, music enthusiastic Phil Oldham talks about the state...
Even when Charlie Coleman was a kid, hot jazz was fading from the mainstream public’s musical preferences. But knowing great music when he heard it,...