Poet Juana Rosa Pita comes Back by the Woodpile to share not only her poetry but glimpses into her life’s story and of the miraculous...
More philisophical adventures! This time talking the strength of forgiveness, humility revealing need, irritating mothers, the not-so-good ole days, Christian parents loving homosexual children, drug dealer’s...
Peter Horse is back ready to talk about all kinds of things that could get us carted off to prison, including Liu Xiaobo, Taylor Swift...
Poet Mario A. Pita (Lyrical Emissary, Image Marriages) comes back by the woodpile to not only share his verses but talk everything from science and spirituality,...
Thoughts, words and responses are flung here and there on this latest edition of Tryna Herd Cats, the philosophical dialogue podcasts Back By the Woodpile!...
Philosophy throwdown! Somehow between sneaky neighbors, withered trees, unaware beauty, unaware virtue, Chinese sages and missing axes, we find a little insight. To hear on...
Mr. Mister’s liturgy, Margaret Thatcher’s reign, hiding in the ceiling, talking to girls, climbing up the school building, falling off the school building, first crushes...
Been a long time since you strained your brain? Come join us Back by the Woodpile for more word wrestling as we discuss saints, sinners,...
Sister Sung-Hae Kim is a South Korean Catholic and an expert on interreligious dialogues, having recently published a book specifically about the relationship between Taoism...