In 1846, a slave by the name of Dred Scott after several attempts to buy his own freedom from his master Eliza Sanford, sued. In...
Henry Clay was an American statesman of the 1800’s that was so vital to the survival of the Republic that it was assumed by many...
Vintage Christmas records and the history behind them are on the Corner Woodpile turntables today! Boogie Woogie Santa Claus, Buon Natale, I Heard the Bells...
Tennessee State Representative Mike Sparks comes Back by the Woodpile to talk about his passion for history and the trouble it brought him, in addition to the...
Fredrick Douglass was a runaway slave, writer, preacher, abolitionist leader, accomplished violinist and eventual advisor and friend to President Abraham Lincoln. For this episode of...
Talk to a quantum physicist, biologist, neurologist or anyone in the scientific world, and more times than not they’ll tell you that the more we...