Nashville, Tennessee is famous for the country music industry, hot chicken and a ton of colleges. But it’s also full of individual stories, of which...
More creepy Patches From a Second-Hand Planet stories! These two called “When you went away” and “Worse in it’s absence” involve travelers and the ghosts they pick...
Some years ago I had a record shop and there were moments that made all the struggles and heartaches of having a small business worth...
Meet Sousuke Game Nerd, we think an emerging YouTube star who welcomes you to his blazing Hot Wheels collection!
Don’t get left out of the latest dope moves sweeping the nation: The Nunu Inotamba! Just watch the video below to get your body acquainted...
Welcome to more philosophical explorations back by the woodpile, this time dealing with our attraction to beauty, satisfaction in the artificial and affecting those we’ll...
One of the most creative minds of the early Hollywood years, Charley Bowers pretty much did it all, including acting, directing, writing and animation. Though...
Clay skinned DJ Feinessa and her friends are back with another adventure, this time all one night at the famed dance club the Glitter Pit....
Before he fought damned dirty apes (Planet Of The Apes (1968)), Egyptian slave masters (The Ten Commandments), albino zombies (The Omega Man) and a leftist...
Our clay friends from the world of Zow Gow are back in a music video for a little Latiny Americana ditty all about the kisses...
The world of Zow Gow is back, this time with a two-part story where DJ Feinessa recounts the first few gigs of her career. Musical...
Yours truly had been teaching at a university in central China for over a year. Up to that point in the city of 6 million...