Tim Hiber is better known by his DJ name, Mindub. He’s toured with Carrie Underwood, promoted shows for Jay J, DJ Colette, Tortured Soul, DJ...
Have you ever considered making a living with your art? One way is to have two occupations. An art director by day and an artist...
The world of Zow Gow is back, this time with a two-part story where DJ Feinessa recounts the first few gigs of her career. Musical...
It's perhaps one of the best drinking activities imported from Europe, you just need the balls to play!
Yours truly had been teaching at a university in central China for over a year. Up to that point in the city of 6 million...
A regular in the spoken word circuit, author and poet Christine Hall talks about her first collection of published poems, entitled Waking Up God, as well as...
Bob Morrison is a songwriter whose melodies have been monster hits in both pop and country, been featured in Hollywood films and even satirized by...
Discover Kasper is a short film about an introvert who finally makes a friend, albeit with a doll he’s ordered off the television....
Meira Pentermann is an author of three books that seem to have little to do with each other. Firefly Beach is a supernatural mystery involving...
What’s the importance of knowing world history? It helps you understand everything that’s going on today, says history buff and latest guest on the In...
(‘Chai’ art by Huxley King) Imagine if the mayor of your town was blackmailing you for money or your property. And if you refused him,...
"Rule #1 of investing is “Risk = Potential Reward. I’m not going to try to convince anyone to go to Asia. I don’t care either...
We at the Brophisticate would like you to meet someone whose voice and talent easily exceeds her outer beauty. Natasha Borzilova is a singer songwriter...
“They fly through the air Ones that find not an ear Fall to the ground They die in despair… There was a boundary found Liked...
Just like any iconic picture of virtue, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s memory has been used to promote the specific ideas of so many groups...
“The country’s getting more and more apathetic…and the government’s getting bolder. Soon they’re not even going to worry about covering up stuff…” No this isn’t...
Welcome to the premiere installment of the podcast series “In the corner back by the woodpile”, exclusively here at the Brophisticate. Join myself, Spun Counterguy,...
Such as it has become in the West, the rich and poor pretty much possess the same toys and gadgets and with the internet, anyone...
As a motorcyclist, are you sick and tired of getting pushed into walls and on-coming traffic by other drivers half blind and too lazy to...
In 1996, Chris Carter, creator of the X-Files, debuted a second darker series called Millennium. The show wove criminal profiling and eschatology together to create...
Anyone with a camera and a smokin’ sister can make a music video where a hot chick clinches her fists in the middle of a...
Partying frat boys slipping on intestines, monsters that lick the skin and muscle off your bones and diseases that seal up your bottom. It’s all...
These are Spooky tunes from performers that are pretty much all ghosts now, save a few. Lots of scouring places that don’t advertise having old...
The first time I met Honest Lewis was in a stairwell of Café Coco in Nashville, Tennessee, he greeting me warmly and asking if...