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Maxim Gets ICED… by Broham!!

Getting Iced at work!

If you’re anything like us, June 16th will forever remain a day in infamy, for that was the day that Smirnoff Ice’s parent company shut down For the very few who aren’t already privy, if you have in your possession a penis and are approached with a Smirnoff Ice, you have to take a knee and drink it. If you happen to have a Smirnoff Ice in your possession, along with the aforementioned penis, and are approached by someone else attempting to ‘ice’ you with a Smirnoff Ice, you may counter them with your own Ice and they have to drink both. In the milky wake of this rising trend’s demise, we thought of one bro still deserving to be iced…

During the time in which the storied men’s website was actually funny, it was helmed by former Editor in Chief, Cory Jones. This is the man that will forever be known as the guy who told the now infamous Justin Halpern that he should start a Twitter page called Shit My Dad Says—definitely a bro that deserves a good icing. After tons of research, we located Maxim’s secret office hideout, and crept upon Mr. Jones’ Locker loaded for bear—with lots of Smirnoff Ice.

We marched into Mr. Jones Locker totally catching him unawares. We almost forgot our mission as we were overwhelmed by the stifling corporate digs.

No explanation necessary! A real bro knows what he has to do: down the totally girly Smirnoff Ice in five seconds or less.

Fortunately, in a place like Maxim’s Secret HQ, it’s always Beer Thirty.

A true sport! He even got up from his desk so we could get a better shot of him dropping a knee before he began to chug.

Uh, in this shot it looks like he’s been iced a couple of times already…

And he’s begun to knock it back! We’re not certain about the limp-wristed technique here, but he’s guzzling so it must be working for him.

Yes! The limp wrist merely preempted a triumphant fist-pump as he downs the last few gulps! Awesome icing etiquette from Maxim’s EIC!! Maxim, you have officially been ICED!!