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Nice and Etsy, That’s Not Their Style

Giant purple dildo? Etsy does it!, the merchandising web giant, has come under fire after unveiling it’s new People Search tool.  The move was an attempt to make the site feel more like a social network, but as a result consumers have found their naughty obsessions popping up in Google searches.  Members of the site have not been notified about the new privacy changes, leading to many of their oft-embarassing buying patterns to become public information.

Take this instance:

“I just found a woman who’s Etsy profile comes up on Google as the 5th link. I was expecting 6 or 7 pages down, but it’s on the very first page, right after her online resumes,” wrote one concerned user on the Penny Arcade forums.   “She signed up a year ago, under the old privacy policy, and hasn’t logged in since 2010. And now I know what dildo she uses. Right down to the curvature and coloring.” (from

We did some digging and found a few other prime examples:


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