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Hey Speed Texter! Can You Text Faster Than This Guy??

So we’re at the bar, right? This dude is texting right beside us on his iPhone and we did a double take, dude can text like wicked fast! So we did what anyone would do with access to a popular website. Whipped out our TracFone and took a video of it.

Seriously, though. If you think you can text faster, post a video response in comments on this post or our YouTube channel. Underneath the video is what he texted to the president. Text the same thing on camera and then do another of your own… or, do like us and freely admit defeat. Hail to the chief, baby.

What the man had to say to Tha Man:

“What’s up bro? How’s it hanging in the White House? As Clinton said in the 90s… It’s the economy, stupid! Seriously, check your barackobometer and let us know what you think. I love you. Love, Broham”

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